Goodwood Produce

Wattle face scrub

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Our exceptional Wattle, Coffee, MGO Honey, and Camel milk Face Scrub—a luxurious blend of natural ingredients carefully formulated to revitalize and nourish your skin. This invigorating face scrub combines the exfoliating properties of Wattle and Coffee with the moisturizing benefits of MGO Honey and Camel milk, creating a truly rejuvenating experience.
Note: Discontinue use if any skin irritation or discomfort occurs. As with any cosmetic product, perform a patch test before initial use to check for any adverse reactions.
100% natural ingredients
MGO Honey
Organic Camel Milk
Tested on humans, not animals

Our exceptional Wattle, Coffee, MGO Honey, and Camel milk Face Scrub—a luxurious blend of natural ingredients carefully formulated to revitalize and nourish your skin. This invigorating face scrub combines the exfoliating properties of Wattle and Coffee with the moisturizing benefits of MGO Honey and Camel milk, creating a truly rejuvenating experience.


  • Begin by wetting your face with warm water to prepare the skin for exfoliation.
  • Take a small amount of the Wattle, Coffee, MGO Honey, and Camel milk Face Scrub onto your fingertips or palm.
  • Gently massage the scrub onto your damp face using circular motions. Focus on areas that require exfoliation, such as the forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin. Avoid the delicate eye area.
  • Continue massaging the scrub into your skin for about 1-2 minutes, allowing the Wattle and Coffee particles to remove dead skin cells and impurities, while the MGO Honey and Camel milk work to nourish and hydrate.
  • Rinse your face thoroughly with lukewarm water, ensuring that all traces of the scrub are removed.
  • Pat your face dry with a clean towel, taking care not to rub or tug on the skin.
  • Follow up with your favorite moisturiser to lock in the hydration and further enhance the benefits of the face scrub.
  • Use the Wattle, Coffee, MGO Honey, and Camel milk Face Scrub 2-3 times a week for best results. Adjust the frequency based on your skin's sensitivity and individual needs.

Please note that due to the exfoliating properties of the Wattle and Coffee particles, some mild redness or tingling may occur, which is normal. However, if you experience any irritation or discomfort, discontinue use and rinse thoroughly with water.

Experience the rejuvenating and nourishing effects of our Wattle, Coffee, MGO Honey, and Camel milk Face Scrub, and unlock the secret to a radiant and smooth complexion. Let the power of nature invigorate your skincare routine and reveal your skin's natural glow.

Virgin olive oil, organic Australian sunflower oil, organic Ricebran oil, organic coconut oil, organic cocoa butter, organic shea butter, camel milk, MGO 300+ Honey, coconut milk, oat milk, sodium hydroxide, aqua, coffee grounds, wattle seed, wattle seed oil, mandarin oil, glycerine, decal glucoside, coconut essence.

A 50g jar of MGO honey, Camel milk, Wattle and coffee face scrub

The finely ground Wattle and Coffee particles gently remove dead skin cells, unclog pores and promote a smoother, more radiant complexion. As you massage the scrub onto your face, the rich MGO Honey penetrates deeply, delivering intense hydration and replenishing essential nutrients. The addition of Camel milk adds an extra layer of moisture, leaving your skin soft, supple, and refreshed.

3 types of MGO honey and Camel milk face care products display on a bed of flowers

Our Face Scrub is ideal for all skin types, including sensitive skin, as it is made with 100% natural ingredients and free from harsh chemicals. Treat yourself to a spa-like experience as the delightful aroma of Wattle and Coffee envelops your senses, transporting you to a state of pure relaxation.

Discover the transformative power of our Wattle, Coffee, MGO Honey, and Camel milk Face Scrub and indulge in a skincare routine that enhances your natural beauty. Unveil a revitalized and luminous complexion with this exquisite blend of nature's finest ingredients.

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Embark on a journey of pure, natural beauty where MGO honey and camel milk unite to create skincare magic.